
Provence…the  colors, the warmth, the narrow streets, the flowers and plants, the wine, the wind, the noise…

Provence, not one to be described, but experienced!

Here in Beaumes de Venise.

Bambou vs. Noisettier, le match

Nos canisses en noisettier, vieilles de 3 ans, se délitaient doucement. Des paillettes de bois pleuvaient sur la table Fermob à chaque averse.

J’ai tout enlevé il y a 15 jours et depuis il faisait chaud en terrasse!

J’avais prévu de commander en ligne des canisses en tiges entières de bambou de diamètre 2/3 cm (reliées entre elles par un fil en acier galvanisé). Mais bon, fin d’année chargée entre le boulot et les fêtes d’école et autres vadrouilles de week-end…

Ce week end, on est passé chez ma grande soeur…et c’est finalement mère nature qui va nous fournir! Elle a une petite forêt de bambou qui a besoin d’être un peu allégée…

On a fait une petite séance de coupe-coupe et d’effeuillage, et me voilà revenue avec un 10aine de grosses tiges (et des ampoules au doigt).

Il m’en faudrait au moins 40 de plus il va falloir que j’y retourne!

Ca va être canon. Merci grande soeur!


Avec les premiers bambous:

Overdue update: 10€ table upcycling

A long overdue update from our DIY day…I have not accomplished all that I wanted to, but here is a quick win I ca report on:
– A garden table top in very bad shape. Legs broken, and green paint badly damaged by melted candle wax and the years gone by.
– A 5€ Ikea stool from the cellar
– 4 screws
– 2 coats of exterior paint, here dark grey (“gris orage” from Leroy Merlin)
Et voilà!  This upcycles the old table into a garden ‘coffee table’, perfect for the terrasse’s aperitife corner!
What do you think?





Child Labor, but good


10 AM, I got started, and a few minutes later, came out 2 of the boys: “Mum, I want to help you, can I paint?”
“Mom, can I sand wood?”
First, it freaked me out.
DIY is a one-man (or woman) thing, isn’t it?
Then I reasoned. And started delegating. I let go of personal productivity to spend more time showing and coordinating.
Of course, being kids, they rarely stayed on a given activity for more than 20 minutes, and ended up playing ball next to me for lengths of time. Still, having them help meant there were indeed simultaneous workshops, and that gave the impression of a busy garden factory. Plus Superman was coming and going, he too ticking things off our list, often with the youngest in tow: mowing the lawn, fixing a shower bar and shelves in the boy’s bathroom, cleaning the car…

It was a great day! Smooth family moments. Sunshine, and DIT,…Do It Together.

Before going to see a friend, our 9 year-old told me he loved it.
Whit Monday is off for us tomorrow, so we still have time to make progress…
Report out tomorrow night!


Today is DIM day!

After looking at, and pinning, so many DIYs online, it’s high time I get organized to do a few Myself.
The list is long.
Very long.
The question is: how many, if any, will I manage to do today?
Ok, first, coffee.


My favorite place on earth


This is my favorite place on Earth. On this terrasse, in front of our family house. Looking towards a small village, nestled in the southeastern foothills of the Vercors mountain range.
This is where my husband asked me to marry him,

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Testing WordPress galleries 2: garden, before, during, after

Testing, with more pics and a different format…this time the evolution of the garden