Overdue update: 10€ table upcycling

A long overdue update from our DIY day…I have not accomplished all that I wanted to, but here is a quick win I ca report on:
– A garden table top in very bad shape. Legs broken, and green paint badly damaged by melted candle wax and the years gone by.
– A 5€ Ikea stool from the cellar
– 4 screws
– 2 coats of exterior paint, here dark grey (“gris orage” from Leroy Merlin)
Et voilà!  This upcycles the old table into a garden ‘coffee table’, perfect for the terrasse’s aperitife corner!
What do you think?





Today is DIM day!

After looking at, and pinning, so many DIYs online, it’s high time I get organized to do a few Myself.
The list is long.
Very long.
The question is: how many, if any, will I manage to do today?
Ok, first, coffee.


Painting the old damaged mirror


This old family mirror was quite damaged. Some of the gold and pieces of old plaster were long gone, and it was looking battered.
Superman had bought plaster and a little pot of gold to take a shot at an amateur yet proper restoration.
The missing plaster was replaced and molded manually… And then we changed our mind on the gold and decided to use some left over gris zinc paint from Leroy Merlin.
I’m happy with the result.
On this one, I think a proper restoration could not have suffered our amateur skills!
This was a year ago, but a post on “Our French Oasis” blog just reminded me of this!
Finding a battered treasure, and deciding what to do with it , and then actually doing it (my weakness definitely), is an interesting journey, every time.

Bazar sur la colline: j-7!

imageLe week-end prochain, ça sera The Place to Be à Lyon…

J’ai eu la chance de voir quelques meubles en avant première: trouvailles vintage, de belles matières, et un beau travail de couleur pour certains. Des objets déco aussi, des mots en tricotin (cadeau de naissance parfait).

Bref, à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte! Moi j’y serai (prem’s!)

Yellow fever? Diagnostic

Tout a commencé cet hiver, avec la plaque Benedictine…
It all started this winter with a vintage enamel ad…

Au printemps, un petit motel à oiseau fut installé dehors, puis rentré pour cause de temps horrible..
Comes spring, a little bird house is set in the garden, and then taken inside because of the horrible weather
Puis une coque pour mon vieil iPhone…
A cover for my old iPhone.,.

…une petite jupe…
… a mini skirt…

…et un maillot de bain.
…and a swimsuit.

Des petite touches de jaune, jusqu’à l’acquisition de ce tapis, 240x170cm, pour le salon!
Small yellow touches, until the recent purchase of this 240x170cm rug for our living room!

Alors docteur, ai-je finalement attrapé ce jaune tendance?
Could it be yellow fever, catching up with me after the trend?


Au boulot, au soleil!

On s’est attelé à la peinture des lits tiroirs. Aujourd’hui, la sous couche!
Astuce: mettre de la patafix sur les vis que vous ne souhaitez pas peindre. (J’ai vu ça sur un blog déco, impossible de me souvenir le quel)
Demain, une ou deux couches de peinture, en pleine canicule?…


