Video & pics: Lyon Festival of Lights, December 8

My hometown big day is december 8, the Festival of Lights. More information on this ancient-tradition-turned-major-event here.

Here are a few pictures from our stroll through the city yesterday night. 

Place des Terreaux (Hôtel de ville et Palais Saint Pierre)

Place Bellecour

Place de la Bourse

Place de la Bourse

Place de la Martinière

I highly recommend it, come visit! The city is wonderful, and not only in December…


Provence…the  colors, the warmth, the narrow streets, the flowers and plants, the wine, the wind, the noise…

Provence, not one to be described, but experienced!

Here in Beaumes de Venise.

Game on!


Almost 10 A.M…(yep, I took 2 coffees)
List: 3 chairs, 2 nightstands, 2 stools, 1 broken table to upcycle.
Ok, phone off, music on, and game on!
PS: My only issue is: there is no off button on our 3 boys…

Today is DIM day!

After looking at, and pinning, so many DIYs online, it’s high time I get organized to do a few Myself.
The list is long.
Very long.
The question is: how many, if any, will I manage to do today?
Ok, first, coffee.


Rome. Ceilings…

Vatican museum, gallery of the maps.


Below is from Chiesa di Sant’ Ignazio di Loyola.l, the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Martius.
A superb trompe l’oeil was painted, instead of traditional dome painting, for lack of funds. My pictures do not do it justice. You can see a nice picture of the trompe l’oeil on the church Wikipedia page here



Tropical cantina

Our tropical cantina in Guadeloupe…but that was last week. It seems like an eternity ago!




Yes, that is miles away from Eugenie Street, but then again I haven’t been doing any Eugenie Street things recently! No reno, little deco, no posting!
I hope all is well with you, house flippers, creative home design genuises, and visitors by chance, from Canada, France, the US, or anywhere.
Have a good day!